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Non-traditional Field Types in SmartSuite

smartsuite Dec 21, 2022

SmartSuite has given serious thought to their amazing field types. In this tutorial I discuss some of their less traditional fields, such as FULL NAME and CHECKLISTS. Check out this training to understand how these more advanced fields work (and how they will help make your life easier)!

Address Field: Learn how to add an address that is directly integrated with Google Maps to validate (and view) your data.

Full Name Field: Add multiple name elements into the same field, inlcuding first, middle, last, and title.

Checklist Field: The checklist field allows you to create fields within a field using checkboxes. This field can create new lists by default, and items can be assigned to users with due dates.

Sub-Item Field: Similar to a checklist, sub-items allow you to create fields within a field. With this field, you can specify what is included in the sub-item, much like you can with a new table (but without the headache).

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