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Looping Automation with Airtable

airtable Mar 20, 2023

Have you heard that Airtable recently released a new, highly anticipated feature called looping automation? This means you can organize automations much more easily, especially for building out multi-task automations. Let's take a look at Gap Consulting's video editing base to see how this can help simplify work further!

In this video, I'll go over the looping automation so you can see how this improves Airtable's automation functions. You'll see more in-depth how our Video Editing Base works with automations and how to quit making repetitive and long automation chains. 

In this video we’ll discuss:

  • Outlining an existing automation
  • Reviewing Data Schema in Airtable that imports recurring tasks
  • Applying the looping automation feature
  • Using Find records in Automation
  • Applying repeat logic in automation
  • Comparing the new automation vs the old automation

If you found this helpful and want to give it a try yourself, please use our links below! 👇

Plus, when you're ready to start automating in no-code, be sure to grab our free training here! 👇

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