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Integrating Calendly and SmartSuite: Part Two 🔁 Cancelations & Reschedules

smartsuite Nov 20, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital world, automation plays a vital role in streamlining processes and improving productivity. In a previous video, we highlighted how to integrate Calendly and SmartSuite, enabling seamless automation of scheduling events and tracking leads. However, in this Part Two video, we delve deeper into handling cancellations and rescheduling within the automation process. Let's dive in!

Why Calendly and SmartSuite?

Before we delve into the specifics, let's briefly discuss why Calendly and SmartSuite are invaluable tools for any business.

Calendly is an event scheduling application that allows users to easily book appointments and meetings. It eliminates the back-and-forth communication when scheduling events, significantly saving time and preventing scheduling conflicts.

SmartSuite, on the other hand, is a powerful no-code automation tool that empowers businesses to automate various tasks within their operations. It enables streamlining of processes, tracking leads, and nurturing customer relationships over time, all without the need for coding expertise.

Integrating Calendly and SmartSuite:

In the initial video, we explored how to integrate Calendly and SmartSuite using automation. The automation allowed for automatic creation of appointments in SmartSuite whenever a visitor scheduled an event through Calendly. This integration ensures that all important event details and contact information are seamlessly transferred to SmartSuite, facilitating efficient tracking and follow-up.

In Part Two, we tackle the challenge of handling cancellations and rescheduling within this automation process. It's crucial to understand how Calendly treats cancellations and reschedules to effectively handle them in our automations.

Handling Cancellations and Rescheduling:

Calendly provides information on scheduled appointments and cancellations through its API. When a cancellation occurs, Calendly sends the information to third-party tools like SmartSuite, indicating that an appointment has been canceled.

Rescheduling events, on the other hand, are treated as two separate events by Calendly. First, the original appointment is canceled, followed by the creation of a new appointment. This distinction is essential to consider when designing the automation process.

Updating SmartSuite with Cancellations:

To handle cancellations, we need to create an automation in Make, the automation builder within SmartSuite, that listens for cancellation events from Calendly.

To begin, we create a new module in Make and configure it to listen for cancellations from Calendly using the appropriate trigger. When a cancellation is detected, we search for the corresponding appointment in SmartSuite using unique identifiers such as email addresses or event IDs.

Once we find the appointment, we update its status in SmartSuite to "canceled" using the "Update Record" action. This change in status allows seamless tracking and management of the appointment.

Updating SmartSuite with Rescheduled Events:

Rescheduled events require a different approach. Remember that Calendly treats rescheduling as a two-step process: cancellation of the original event and creation of a new event.

To handle rescheduled events, we modify the existing automation by adding an additional trigger that listens for newly created events in Calendly. This trigger ensures that the second part of a rescheduling event is captured.

For the newly created event, we follow the same steps as for a regular event-creation process in the automation. This includes searching for the contact person associated with the rescheduled event and creating an appointment in SmartSuite linked to that contact.

The automation ensures that all rescheduled events are accurately recorded and tracked in SmartSuite, providing a comprehensive overview of interactions with leads and customers.


Integrating Calendly and SmartSuite brings a multitude of benefits to businesses, enabling seamless scheduling, tracking, and automation of events. In this Part Two video, we explored how to handle cancellations and rescheduled events within the automation process. By understanding how Calendly treats these events, we can design powerful automations that keep us updated and in control.

Automation is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses striving to stay organized and efficient. Calendly and SmartSuite, when integrated and properly utilized, offer invaluable tools for automating events and nurturing customer relationships.

Keep exploring the limitless possibilities of automation with no-code tools, and remember to check out the free training offered by Gap Consulting to master the art of no-code automation.

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