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Dynamic Filtering for Linked Relationships in Airtable! 🎯

airtable Dec 11, 2023

Airtable is a powerful no-code tool that allows users to create customized databases. While it offers various features, one limitation is the lack of native dynamic filtering for linked relationships. This means that when linking a project to a company, for example, there is no automatic filtering of contacts specific to that company. However, in this video, we will share an innovative workaround that we learned from one of our clients, Morty. Stay tuned as we delve into this exciting hack that will enhance your database organization in Airtable.

Acknowledging Morty's Ingenious Solution

Let's kick off by expressing our gratitude to Morty, one of our clients, who shared a brilliant idea for dynamic filtering with us. Morty, working alongside Colette, a member of our hourly team, sent us an email outlining his neat approach to dynamic filtering. We receive many emails suggesting various hacks, but Morty's idea stood out. It presented a perspective we had never considered before, and we greatly appreciate his effort in sharing it with us.

Understanding the Workaround: Exploring the Database Structure

Now, let's get into the specifics of the workaround. Join me as we dive into my screen and explore the database structure. To comprehend how dynamic filtering works, I will demonstrate it using a sample structure. In this example, we have two companies, Disney and Warner Brothers, each with their respective contacts. The contacts are linked to services, and we want to ensure that when assigning a service to a contact, only contacts associated with the selected company show up.

Unpacking the Workaround: The Step-by-Step Process

To achieve dynamic filtering, we need to set up automations. Here is a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Create a service and assign it to a company.
  2. Activate an automation that unchecks the dynamic filter box for the company.
  3. Implement a trigger to identify the company to which the service is assigned.
  4. Activate another automation that checks the dynamic filter box for the assigned company.

As a result of these steps, the contacts table will reflect the filtered contacts associated with the selected company, allowing for seamless assignment of services to the appropriate contacts.

Exploring Limitations and Caveats

While the workaround provides an exceptional solution, we must acknowledge certain limitations. Firstly, implementing this workaround will consume automation resources, impacting the number of automations available in your database and possibly your overall automation quota based on your Airtable plan. It is important to check the pricing and ensure it aligns with your needs.

Secondly, there is a potential for human error. If users are too fast with their interactions, they may beat the automation and select contacts before the filtering takes effect. Patience is key to allowing the automations to complete before proceeding.

Finally, it is important to note that this workaround requires filling out a contact before moving on. Therefore, the most recent record created will determine the available contacts for assignment. Keep this in mind when making changes or selecting contacts for assignments.

Conclusion: A Clever Hack for Enhanced Filtering in Airtable

In summary, while Airtable lacks native dynamic filtering for linked relationships, Morty's workaround provides an excellent solution. By configuring automations and establishing filtered views in the contacts table, you can achieve dynamic filtering and streamline the assignment of services to relevant contacts based on company affiliations. Keep in mind the limitations and caveats discussed, such as automation consumption and the possibility of human error.

We hope this video has shed light on this creative hack and its practical implementation. Should you have any unanswered questions or need further clarification, please drop them in the comments section. As always, keep exploring, building, and optimizing your Airtable databases with GAP Consulting.

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