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Conditional Forms from Softr now in Beta! 😍

softr May 08, 2024

Introducing Conditional Forms in Softr: Elevating Your No-Code Development Experience

To all no-code enthusiasts and developers, the wait is over! Softr, a much-loved front-end tool, has introduced an exciting new feature - Conditional Forms. This innovative upgrade allows you to design intelligent forms that present tailor-made questions based on previously entered data.

Optimal User Experience with Conditional Forms in Softr

Imagine a job application form that adjusts its content depending on the role an applicant chooses—cutting the clutter while focusing on relevant information. Sounds like a dream, right? Make it a reality with Softr's conditional forms, enabling a seamless, personalized user experience.

How to Utilize Conditional Forms Feature in Softr

To help you navigate the new feature, we will dissect a form creation process in Softr. Consider an instance of a job application form collecting basic user information and adjusting subsequent questions based on the job role selected by the applicant.

In your Softr interface, create a new page dedicated to the job application form. Adding blocks on this page, you would notice the recently added "conditional forms" block.

Setting Up The Form

With the conditional form block selected, it's time to design your form. The form creation process involves three levels of hierarchy - steps, sections, and fields. The primary level comprises steps; within the steps, you have sections; and within the sections, you place fields.

To build a job application form, use the "Heading" and "Text" options to create a brief informative guide for users. Subsequently, add relevant fields like full name, email, and job role within the sections. You can link these fields to your backend data storage, ensuring valuable user data isn't lost and can be effectively analyzed afterwards.

Employing Conditional Logic

Once done with the primary field collection, come the conditional logic. Based on the job role selected, add separate steps with distinct follow-up questions. For instance, if an applicant selects "business analyst," they will be routed to a step with business analyst related questions and similarly for project manager.

However, if the applicant selects "developer" and you don’t have follow-up questions for it, you can guide them directly to the form submission.

Testing Your Form

A vital part of form creation is meticulous testing. Once you publish your form, submit a few responses to ensure the conditional logic is well established, and appropriate steps are being followed.


Softr's new feature undeniably stiffens the spine for no-code development, transferring more control and flexibility to the developer.

If you're just beginning your no-code journey or running into challenges with Softr’s conditional forms, worry no more! Our expert team at GAP Consulting is more than willing to assist. Reach out to us and let’s get you unstuck and on your way to becoming a no-code master!

Also, don't forget to check out our other resources and services, engineered to help you get the most out of your no-code tools.

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