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Building a Ticketing System from Scratch 🎟️ | SmartSuite Tutorial

Oct 04, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, organizations need efficient ticketing systems to manage incoming requests and track their status. These systems help streamline operations and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. In this video, we will explore how to create a ticketing system from scratch using SmartSuite, a popular no-code tool. We will cover all the necessary steps to build an effective ticketing system that allows for easy tracking of feature requests and other types of tickets. So, let's dive in!

Benefits of a Ticketing System

A robust ticketing system can revolutionize the way businesses handle customer inquiries, bug reports, and feature requests. By implementing a ticketing system, organizations can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Efficient Issue Tracking: With a ticketing system, you can easily keep track of incoming requests, assign priorities, and monitor the status of each ticket. This ensures that nothing gets overlooked and helps maintain high customer satisfaction levels.
  2. Streamlined Communication: A ticketing system allows for seamless communication between customers, support teams, and other stakeholders. It eliminates the need for long email threads or scattered conversations, keeping all communication centralized within the ticketing platform.
  3. Automation: No-code tools like SmartSuite offer automation capabilities that can help streamline repetitive tasks and save valuable time. By automating ticket assignments, notifications, and status updates, businesses can improve efficiency and reduce manual efforts.

Getting Started with SmartSuite

Before delving into the ticketing system setup, the video host, Gareth, introduced SmartSuite as a preferred no-code tool for this project. Gareth, the owner of Gap Consulting, emphasizes its mission to help users organize and automate their workflows using no-code tools. He also invites viewers to join him for free training on building no-code automations to enhance their fundamental skills.

Building the Contacts Application

To create a comprehensive ticketing system, Gareth starts by building two applications within SmartSuite. The first application is the "Contacts" app, where information about the person submitting the ticket is stored. Gareth explains how to customize fields such as primary contact name and primary email, ensuring that all relevant details are captured.

Creating the Tickets Application

The second application, called "Tickets," is where the actual tickets are created and managed. Gareth demonstrates how to set up fields for ticket details, including priority, status, description, and attachments. By customizing these fields, organizations can effectively categorize and track different types of tickets.

Configuring the Ticket Submission Form

Gareth proceeds to showcase how to create a ticket submission form within SmartSuite. This form allows external users to submit their tickets seamlessly. He demonstrates how to add fields such as contact information, ticket issue description, and file attachments. Once the form is ready, Gareth explains how to generate a link and share it with users to start submitting tickets.

Workflow Automation for Tickets

To enhance the ticketing system's functionality, Gareth suggests automating certain processes using no-code capabilities. He illustrates how to set up automations to assign priorities based on factors such as the lifetime value of a client. By automating these tasks, organizations can prioritize their responses and allocate resources accordingly.

Email Notifications and Ticket Completion

Finally, Gareth demonstrates the importance of communication by setting up email notifications for ticket completion. As a ticket progresses through various stages, an automation triggers an email to be sent to the person who initially submitted the ticket. This ensures that customers stay informed and engaged throughout the ticket resolution process.


Implementing a ticketing system is crucial for organizations looking to streamline their operations and provide exceptional customer support. With SmartSuite's no-code capabilities, businesses can build highly customized ticketing systems tailored to their unique needs. By following the step-by-step process outlined in the video, organizations can create a ticketing system from scratch and automate workflows to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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