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Build Better Forms with Fillout's New Conversion Kit! 🚀

other Dec 22, 2023

Are you looking to boost your conversion rates by optimizing your forms? If so, you're in luck! Our favorite no-code form software, Fillout, has just released a new set of features called the Conversion Kit. In this blog, we will explore the key features of Fillout's Conversion Kit and how it can help you capture high-quality leads and increase conversions.

Understanding the Conversion Kit

The Conversion Kit is an optional paid add-on that can be enabled in your Fillout account. It offers a range of features designed to reduce friction in your forms and maximize the chances of getting conversions. These features include:

  • Optimization of Forms: The Conversion Kit helps reduce form drop-offs by making the form-filling process as frictionless as possible. By minimizing the number of fields and simplifying the user experience, you can increase your chances of capturing all the necessary data.
  • Lead Qualification and Routing: With the Conversion Kit, you can qualify and route leads more effectively. By implementing smart form logic, you can ensure that leads are directed to the right place, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Email Validation: The Conversion Kit includes email validation features, ensuring that only valid company emails are accepted. This helps reduce the collection of faulty or bad data, resulting in higher-quality leads.
  • Smart Scheduling: Fillout integrates with popular scheduling tools like Calendly,, and chili Piper, allowing you to schedule appointments directly within the form. This saves time for both you and your prospects.

Lost Lead Recovery:

Fillout notifies your team when a prospect drops off in the middle of filling out a form. This feature gives you the opportunity to reach out and provide assistance to those who were almost converted.

Abandoned Form Email: The Conversion Kit includes an abandoned form email feature that allows you to nudge leads who dropped off to complete the form. This gentle reminder can significantly increase the conversion rate.

Boosting Conversion with Autocomplete: Fillout's Conversion Kit includes features like autofill, dynamic form shortening, and Google Maps autocomplete. These features allow you to remove unnecessary fields from the form and shorten it based on the information already known about the prospect, increasing the conversion rate.

How to Implement the Conversion Kit

To implement the Conversion Kit in your Fillout account, simply toggle on the option and pay the additional monthly fee. Once enabled, you can start optimizing your forms by following the intuitive interface within the Fillout software.

A Hands-On Demo

In the video accompanying this blog, Gareth from GAP Consulting demonstrates how to set up and test the Conversion Kit features. He shows how forms can be automatically filled with known information, reducing the effort required from the user. Additionally, he walks through enabling autocomplete for address fields, which further simplifies the form-filling process.

The Future of the Conversion Kit

In the video, Gareth hints at forthcoming features, including the optimization of ad campaigns. As Fillout continues to enhance and expand its Conversion Kit, users can look forward to even more ways to boost their conversions.


The Fillout Conversion Kit is a game-changer for anyone looking to increase their conversion rates through smarter form design and functionality. With features like lead qualification, email validation, smart scheduling, and autocomplete, Fillout provides a comprehensive solution to optimize your forms and capture high-quality leads. By implementing the Conversion Kit, you can reduce form drop-offs, improve the user experience, and, ultimately, drive revenue for your business. Get started with Fillout and its Conversion Kit today to take your form conversions to the next level.

Have you tried Fillout's Conversion Kit? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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