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🤖 Automate Audio Transcription and Translation with AI | Airtable + Make Tutorial

airtable make Nov 06, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital world, automation has become a crucial aspect of streamlining various processes. With the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), tasks that previously required a significant amount of manual effort can now be accomplished with automation. One such task is audio file transcription and translation. In this video, we will explore how automation and AI can be used to transcribe and translate audio files seamlessly. Whether you're a content creator, business owner, or someone who needs audio files converted into text, this guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions to Make the process easier and more efficient.

Understanding the Process:

Before diving into the implementation, it's vital to grasp the overall process. The video emphasizes the integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT - specifically the "whisper" feature - with the automation platform "Make" and Airtable, a popular database tool. The goal is to send audio files via Airtable, trigger an automation process using Make, and receive the transcription or translation back into Airtable.

Setting up the Scenario:

To get started, you'll need a Make account. The video provides a link that grants a 30-day pro trial of Make. Once you've signed up, you'll create a scenario in Make, starting with a "Custom mailhook" web hook. This web hook will serve as the trigger for the automation process. It generates a unique email address that you'll later use to send files from Airtable.

Configuring Airtable for Automation:

In Airtable, you'll set up conditions that must be met to initiate the automation process. These conditions include the "transcript status" being set to "send to Make" and the presence of an uploaded audio file as an attachment. Only when both conditions are met will the automation process begin.

Sending the Audio File:

Using Airtable's automation feature, you'll configure it to send an email containing the file to the custom mailhook email address generated in Make. The subject of the email will include the Airtable record ID for future reference.

Transcription or Translation:

In Make, you'll create a module to handle the transcription or translation of the audio file. OpenAI's ChatGPT, specifically the "whisper" feature, is used for this purpose. By extracting the text output from the module, you can obtain the transcription or translation.

Updating Airtable:

Once the transcription or translation is complete, the text is uploaded back into Airtable. Using Make, you'll search for the correct record based on the record ID received in the email subject. This allows you to update the record with the transcription content and change the "transcript status" to "transcript received."

Error Handling:

To account for possible errors in the automation process, Make provides the option to add error paths. If there are any issues with the transcription or translation module, you can update the record with an "error" status. This helps identify and troubleshoot problematic files quickly.


Automating audio file transcription and translation using AI and automation tools like Make and Airtable can significantly streamline your workflow. With this step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly integrate these tools to effortlessly convert audio files into text. From content creators needing accurate transcriptions to businesses aiming to break language barriers, this approach offers a powerful and efficient solution. Implement this automated process, and you'll save time while improving productivity in your audio file management tasks.

Remember to check out the video for detailed visual instructions, and if you have any questions or need further clarification, drop a comment below. Embrace the power of automation and AI to revolutionize your audio file processing experiences.

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